.. _Installing NeurEco: Installing NeurEco ======================= This chapter contains detailed guides on how to install NeurEco on any supported operating system. Download NeurEco using one of the following links depending on the target computer's OS: Debian: ``_ Redhat: ``_ Windows msi: ``_ Windows portable: ``_ MacOS arm: ``_ .. warning:: Running NeurEco requires a license. Run the hardware_info command and send the resulting hardware_info.txt file to the Adagos team at this address: <`support@adagos.com`> .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 6 NeurEco installation/Installing NeurEco on Windows NeurEco installation/Installing NeurEco on Debian NeurEco installation/Installing NeurEco on RedHat NeurEco installation/Installing NeurEco on MacOS